Friday, April 28, 2006

Virtual Dimension

Virtual Dimension: "A free, fast, and feature-full virtual desktop manager for Windows platform" - Judge's�Da Vinci code solved - Apr 28, 2006 - Judge's�Da Vinci code solved - Apr 28, 2006: "LONDON, England (AP) -- A secret code embedded in the text of the judge's ruling in the case of Dan Brown's bestseller 'The Da Vinci Code' has been cracked."

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Google Reader

Google Reader: "Two amazing technologies with regard to cameras. And there is no reason to believe why either won't apply to cameraphones."

Thursday, April 13, 2006

► Alltel Selects Jamster To Provide Mobile Content For Millions of Subscribers - Broadband and Wireless • .: Internet Ad Sales :.

► Alltel Selects Jamster To Provide Mobile Content For Millions of Subscribers - Broadband and Wireless • .: Internet Ad Sales :.: "CTIA Wireless 2006, Las Vegas, NV, April 6, 2006 – Jamster, a worldwide leader in mobile content and entertainment services and a wholly owned subsidiary of VeriSign, Inc. (Nasdaq: VRSN), today announced that it is providing Alltel (NYSE: AT) with mobile content services for its BREW-enabled phones. " Phone to Carry Video Projector Phone to Carry Video Projector: "A South Korean company developed a coin-size laser video projector module that can fit into portable gadgets such as mobile phones and digital cameras"

HELIO and Yahoo! Announce Mobile Services Partnership - Gizmodo

HELIO and Yahoo! Announce Mobile Services Partnership - Gizmodo: "Today they’re announcing the deal they’ve made with Yahoo!, which will be providing HELIO’s users with easy access to Yahoo!’s mobile web offerings over 3G with just one click from the main menu of a HELIO device."

AbsurdlyCool Freebie Finder

AbsurdlyCool Freebie Finder: "Hello. Freebie Finder is an automated free stuff aggregator. I've designed it to collect free stuff offers from top freebie sites, while filtering out scams and referral pyramids. This site is in beta, and so your suggestions are always welcome. Listed below are the most recent offers found, with their sources to the right. Remember to bookmark the site, it updates every few hours! (A lot of people have been asking: yes, I have plans to add an RSS feed shortly! Check back soon.)"

The Linux Box

The Linux Box: "Have you ever tried to create a slideshow presentation only to find that the templates that come with your favorite open source office suite overly bland?

I’ve been there as well, but instead of trying to import various MS Office templates that aren’t really that nice either, I’ve decided to create some of my own with the Open Document Format in mind. I’m releasing all the following templates under a LGPL v. 2.1 or later license."

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Damn Interesting � The Gravity-Powered Aircraft

Damn Interesting � The Gravity-Powered Aircraft: "'gravity powered hybrid aircraft' concept which operates on the principles of buoyancy, aerodynamic lift, and gravity. It uses a cycle of climbing and descending to maintain its lift and forward speed, mimicking the behavior of the bodies of warm and cold air which make up the weather."

Monday, April 10, 2006

Richard Colbert's Rants, Raves, Ideas and Complaints: Making the Switch from Microsoft to FREE!

Richard Colbert's Rants, Raves, Ideas and Complaints: Making the Switch from Microsoft to FREE!: "Below you will find a list of Very good Operating Systems and a nice sized list of FREE (except when noted) software. I have tried to include everything that would be needed on most Desktops and Workstations and even included accounting and tax software as those seem to be two of the biggest problems."

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide :: Linux without the technobabble!

The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide :: Linux without the technobabble!: "Whether you have been using a computer for years, or if you are totally new to it all, this guide can help you get to grips with all the important parts of using Linux, as opposed to Windows (or Mac OS) in order to operate your computer."

How to Wow 'Em Like Steve Jobs

How to Wow 'Em Like Steve Jobs: "The Apple CEO is well known for his electrifying presentations. Here are five tips to make your next talk just as mesmerizing -- or close

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Top 100 Freeware downloads at SnapFiles

Top 100 Freeware downloads at SnapFiles

Origami Science?!!!

Science: "The intersections between origami, mathematics, and science occur at many levels and include many fields of the latter. We can group these intersections into roughly three categories:

* Origami mathematics, which includes the mathematics that describes the underlying laws of origami;
* Computational origami, which comprises algorithms and theory devoted to the solution of origami problems by mathematical means;
* Origami technology, which is the application of origami (and folding in general) to the solution of problems arising in engineering, industrial design, and technology in general."

Wired News: Micropayments Drive Asian Games

Wired News: Micropayments Drive Asian Games: "Some of the most popular games in Asia are given away for free and charge no subscription dues, but collect micropayments for custom avatars and other items. Social networking is a key feature of the games, and it turns out players are quick to fork over yen and yuan to tweak their appearance to their liking." - ARM offers first clockless processor core - ARM offers first clockless processor core: "Because clockless processors consume zero dynamic power when there is no activity, they can significantly extend battery life compared with clocked equivalents."

A Windows users journey to Mac

A Windows users journey to Mac: "This blog is written by a Windows veteran, a Mac newbie, describing his switch to Mac from Windows. It's both slightly technical and very technical, ranging from IM clients to setting up PHP/MySQL. Worth a read, especially for people considering a switch."

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Watch HDTV for free with an indoor antenna - AVING - Global News Network

AVING - Global News Network: "Watch HDTV for free with an indoor antenna"

Homebot - Gizmodo

Homebot - Gizmodo: "The Internet Renaissance robot, or ITR, is the world’s first humanoid
robot to be “integrated” into the family thanks to its unique communications systems."

Organs grown from cells signal new transplant era - 05 Apr 2006 - World News

Organs grown from cells signal new transplant era - 05 Apr 2006 - World News: "The world's first organs grown in a laboratory have been successfully implanted in humans, heralding a new era in transplant surgery.

Seven patients given new bladders grown from their own cells have functioning organs that have performed as well as those conventionally repaired but with none of the ill effects, scientists have revealed. "

Turn your Greasemonkey scripts into Firefox extensions - Lifehacker

Turn your Greasemonkey scripts into Firefox extensions - Lifehacker: "The User Script Compiler converts your Greasemonky scripts into full-fledged Firefox extensions."


PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips: "This page is devoted to various tips and tricks that help improve the performance of your Python programs."

The Freenet Project - index - beginner

The Freenet Project - index - beginner: "Freenet is a decentralised 'peer-to-peer' system designed to allow the anonymous sharing of information on the Internet. After many months of work, the first alpha version of Freenet 0.7 is ready for testing."